Monday, January 28, 2008

Go Into The Light

Since starting this new blog a few days ago and being very new at it, I became curious about the entertwining of all the different blog rings. It's fabulous! One click and I'm onto another avenue of talented people. Another click, and I'm joining another ring. And then I stumbled onto EtsyLove. Oh my...what a wonderful place! I love how the template is so user-friendly and with great ease of finding and making new friendships quickly. Blogspot is good, too, but I feel a bit isolated here, unable to find members very easily. It doesn't appear that anyone is finding me too readily here, either. There's probably a trick to it that I haven't yet discovered. Alrighty...late night thoughts. But all in all, I'm delighted to have found all these avenues of communicating with other talented Etsy members and another way to share.


  1. Well Done Marilyn! If not thru this blog, I wouldnt have realized you are a grandmother alrd...WOW, you must be a wonder woman!!! lol

    Your blog is fun to read n informative too, I myself am still "finding my way" around here

    Thank you so much for including my shop ;) The least we can do is support each other :D

  2. Your shop looks fabulous!!! And your blog looks great, too. Welcome to blogland!

